The 8th Hellenic Society of Rheology conference was held from Wednesday, July 12th, to Friday, July 14th 2017, at Curium Palace Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus.
The conference was co-organized by HSR, the University of Cyprus, and the Cyprus University of Technology, with A. Alexandrou and G. Georgiou being the co-chairs. The meeting was attended by 60 delegates not only from Greece and Cyprus, but also from fourteen other countries (Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Jordan, Luxembourg, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland, the UK, and the USA).
Special emphasis was given to the following fields of research:
- wet systems: solutions, suspensions and granular matter
- melts, composites and fracture
- interfacial phenomena: films, emulsions, surfactants and microfluidics
- biologically relevant flows
- liquid-solid transitions: yielding, vitrification and gelation
- non-viscometric and turbulent flows
During the HSR Business meeting a new executive board was elected for 2017-2019.
Scientific Committee
- G. Petekidis (Chair), Greece
- A. Alexandrou, Cyprus
- A. Beris, USA
- Y. Dimakopoulos, Greece
- A. Gotsis, Greece G. Georgiou, Cyprus
- E. Harmandaris, Greece
- S. Hatzikiriakos, Canada
- K. Housiadas, Greece
- V. Mavrantzas, Switzerland/Greece
- E. Mitsoulis, Greece
- D. Theodorou, Greece
- J. Tsamopoulos, Greece
- D. Vlassopoulos, Greece
Organizing Committee
- A. Alexandrou (Co-chair), Nicosia
- G. Georgiou (Co-chair), Nicosia
- E. Kalyviotis, Limassol
- S. Kassinos, Nicosia
- P. Stephanou, Nicosia