The 7th Hellenic Society of Rheology conference took place at the building of FORTH (Voutes, Heraklion, Crete, Greece), on 7 – 10 July 2014. The chair of the organizing commitee was George Petekidis.
The Conference was attended by delegates from Greece, Cyprus and elsewhere. It included plenary lectures. The scientific papers were presented in 7 major themes.
- polymer melts and solutions
- colloidal suspensions
- out-of equilibrium systems: glasses and gels
- Attractive colloids and networks
- In-situ rheological methods
- Experimental and theoretical fluid dynamics
- Polymer processing
The satellite meeting on “Attractive Colloids and Gels” (8-9 July) took place immediately after the HSR14 conference at FORTH. It brought together world experts in the field of colloidal gels and provided forum for discussions of papers submitted to the Special Topical Issue on “Rheology of Colloidal Gels” of the Journal of Rheology.