The 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Society took place between August 31-September 2, 1998, in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. It was attended by more than 60 people and established HSR as one of the most rapidly growing Scientific Societies in Greece.
It was organized by the Hellenic Society of Rheology (HSR), in cooperation with the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FO.R.T.H.), the University of Crete, and the University of Cyprus.
Special emphasis was given to the following fields of research:
- polymer melts and processing
- structure and viscoelasticity
- suspensions
- numerical simulations
The program consisted of plenary lectures, invited lectures, and oral contributions.
Plenary speakers inluded Professors A. Acrivos (U.S.A.) and L. Zapas (U.S.A.).
Invited lectures were given by Professors G.G. Fuller (U.S.A.), R. Keunings (Belgium), P. Navard (France), J.-M. Piau (France), W.R. Schowalter (U.S.A.), R.I. Tanner (Australia) and M.H. Wagner (Germany).
Organizing Committee
- D. Vlassopoulos (Chairman), Heraklion,
- S.H. Anastasiadis, Heraklion
- A. Boudouvis, Athens
- G. Georgiou, Nicosia
- V. Mavrantzas, Patras
- E. Mitsoulis, Athens
- S. Nychas, Thessaloniki
- J. Tsamopoulos, Patras
Scientific Committee
- E. Mitsoulis (President of HSR), Greece
- A. Beris, USA
- U. Cartalos, UK
- C. Christodoulou, USA
- G. Georgiou, Cyprus
- A. Gotsis, The Netherlands
- S. G. Hatzikiriakos, Canada
- J. Tsamopoulos, Greece
- J. Vlachopoulos, Canada